Namespace: Source/Utils/PedData.cs
File: You can use this class to create PedData instances, which can be used to set the ped's data. (using SetPedData()
FirstNameType:stringThe first name of the ped;
LastNameType:stringThe last name of the ped.
WarrantType:stringThe name of the warrant (if there is any, otherwise null
DriverLicenseType:LicenseLicense object.
ExamplePed ped;...var data = await ped.GetData(); // using the extension methodvar driversLicense = data.DriverLicense;
string expirationStr = driversLicense.Expiration; // eg. 10/3/2020PedData.License.Status status = driversLicense.LicenseStatus; // can be: Valid, Expired, Revoked, Suspended
HuntingLicenseType:LicenseLicense object.
ExamplePed ped;...var data = await ped.GetData(); // using the extension methodvar huntingLicense = data.HuntingLicense;
string expirationStr = huntingLicense.Expiration; // eg. 10/3/2020PedData.License.Status status = huntingLicense.LicenseStatus; // can be: Valid, Expired, Revoked, Suspended
FishingLicenseType:LicenseLicense object.
ExamplePed ped;...var data = await ped.GetData(); // using the extension methodvar fishingLicense = data.FishingLicense;
string expirationStr = fishingLicense.Expiration; // eg. 10/3/2020PedData.License.Status status = fishingLicense.LicenseStatus; // can be: Valid, Expired, Revoked, Suspended
WeaponLicenseType:LicenseLicense object.
ExamplePed ped;...var data = await ped.GetData(); // using the extension methodvar weaponLicense = data.WeaponLicense;
string expirationStr = weaponLicense.Expiration; // eg. 10/3/2020PedData.License.Status status = weaponLicense.LicenseStatus; // can be: Valid, Expired, Revoked, Suspended
DateOfBirthType:stringIf you ever set this, you must use the following format: mm/dd/yyyy
BloodAlcoholLevelType:doubleBlood alcohol level.
UsedDrugsType:bool[]NOTE: If you ever set the value of this field, it must always have 3 elements.
indexed (first) elem indicates meth1
indexed elem indicates coke2
indexed elem indicated cannabis
GenderType:GenderThe gender of the ped.
AgeType:intThe age of the ped (can be calculated from the DateOfBirth
AddressType:stringThe home address of the ped.
ItemsType:List<Item>A list of items that the ped currently possesses (NOTE: These items will shop up when you search the ped).
ViolationsType:List<Violation>A list of violations that the ped has committed.